Eating Disorder Nutrition Therapy in Los Angeles, California

One of the ironic things about having an eating disorder is that the individual has become so focused on food nutritional details, that they often mistake themselves for being an expert on them. While the person may read labels on food products obsessively, their mental state keeps them from truly understanding their nutritional needs. Trellis Recovery Centers provides eating disorder nutrition therapy that helps each individual understand what truly healthy food intake looks like. A trained nutritional therapist works with men and women to help them redesign their relationship with what foods they eat and make peace with eating in a new, healthy way.

What is Nutrition Therapy?

A registered dietitian is a credentialed health professional who provides personalized nutritional advice and eating plans. Many mistake a dietician for a nutritionist. However, requirements for working as a nutritionist vary, without anyone needing a license in order to work in this field. Conversely, registered dieticians (RD) have a bachelor’s degree in their field, complete an internship and pass a national exam. They understand the science of the human body and the nutrition it requires. 

Someone who visits a registered dietician often has a medical condition, such as diabetes or heart-related illnesses. They need to adjust how they eat in order to support their specific physical needs. Dieticians begin nutrition therapy by reviewing the individual’s medical history and current food intake habits. From there, they can adjust the person’s diet, including choices of food and food groups, quality, and quantity of each type of food. A discussion will also take place about any vitamin or other nutritional supplements the person takes. The goal of nutritional therapy is to help the person establish healthy eating choices both while in treatment and for the rest of their lives.

Nutritionist at eating disorder nutrition therapy in Los Angeles California

How Does Nutrition Therapy Treat Eating Disorders?

Although it can be easy to associate seeing a dietician with having strictly physical health concerns, this therapy can also help others. Someone with an eating disorder typically makes poor nutritional choices on a regular basis. As a result, their physical health becomes compromised. This may be as a result of several things:

  • Not consuming enough calories
  • Consuming too many calories
  • Periods of fasting
  • Periods of binge eating
  • Losing nutrients by purging, using diuretics, and other methods
  • Consistently gaining and losing weight

Our eating disorder nutrition therapy is provided by professionals who understand the specifics of how challenging it can be for those with eating disorders to change their dietary intake. We provide personally tailored guidelines for how to eat that help correct current nutritional damage and prevent future damage from developing. 

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Benefits of Nutrition Therapy for Eating Disorders

This country has been in the grips of a Diet Culture for decades. Fad diets come and go, capturing the interest and dollars of millions, only to be replaced by the next splashy big diet. They all promise high weight-loss results but what many people don’t understand is how dangerous they can be. Part of eating disorder nutrition therapy involves learning to tune out the constant messaging from the diet plan industry. 

Another benefit is the fact that we treat both men and women. Because of our experience, our staff has an expert level of understanding of how to communicate with each gender group. Our dieticians become a bridge to help females understand how to let go of old eating habits and false beliefs about what is helpful or harmful to their bodies.

What Does Nutrition Therapy Look Like at Trellis Recovery Centers?

Trellis Recovery Centers is a residential treatment program, which means the eating disorder nutrition therapy we offer comes from highly trained experts in this field. Our registered dieticians get to know our patients, including things like their favorite foods, fear foods, trigger foods, and exercise habits. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all way to eat, whether it’s to lose, gain, or maintain weight. Because of this, each person receives a food plan designed specifically for their needs. 

The dietician works with the individual to help accomplish the following:

  • Understand what healthy eating looks like for them
  • Recognize what their specific dietary needs are
  • Make smart choices within each meal and as an overall healthy intake
  • How to choose foods right for them when in a grocery store or restaurant
  • Make peace with fear foods
  • Understand the needs of the female body

Begin Nutrition Therapy for Eating Disorders in Los Angeles, CA

Trellis Recovery Centers treats several types of eating disorders with compassionate care that helps empower each person to overcome their illness. We understand the importance of helping each individual not only understand what good nutrition looks like for them but to make wise choices that meet their dietary needs. Our eating disorder nutrition therapy in Los Angeles, CA helps men and women redesign their approach to how they eat. 

If you or a loved one needs help healing from an eating disorder, reach out and contact us today. Our friendly admissions staff can answer any questions you have.