Our society celebrates being thin and holds up going on a diet as an act of willpower. As a result, when someone has an eating disorder, it may not be obvious to them or others. If you or someone you love feels concerned and shame about their dietary habits and body image, taking the eating disorder test can help provide some answers. If a problem exists, our eating disorder-trained professionals at Trellis Recovery Centers in Los Angeles can provide the multi-disciplinary treatment needed to heal.
Take Our Eating Disorder Test
Our eating disorder test is meant to help people understand if they may have a dangerous mental health disorder. As you take the quiz, remember to answer the questions honestly. The results can only truly reflect if a person may have an eating disorder if they respond openly about their emotions and behaviors. For some people, especially teenagers and young adults, it may be helpful to have a loved one review their answers. This is because sometimes the individual does not see their actions, reactions, and feelings as accurately as someone else when they are in the midst of an eating disorder.
Are you:
- Preoccupied with your weight and the shape of your body?
- Constantly worried about the nutritional content of different foods?
- Avoiding consuming certain foods out of fear that something bad could happen to you?
- Feeling guilty or upset after eating an unusually large amount of food one or more times a week?
- Feeling out of control over the amount of food you eat one or more times in a week?
- Avoiding eating because of the taste, smell, or textures of food?
- Intentionally making yourself vomit or exercise excessively to prevent gaining weight?
- Consistently anxious when eating food or drinking liquids?
- Feeling the need to check the appearance of your body throughout the day?
- Feeling disgusted or anxious when looking at your body or seeing it in a mirror?
Assessing the Eating Disorder Test
If you answered “yes” to two or more questions, you may have developed an eating disorder. Keep in mind, this eating disorder test should not serve as an official diagnosis but rather be used to help the individual understand if a problem may exist. From there, they can open a discussion with their doctor, therapist, or an eating disorder treatment center.
If an eating disorder is present, professional intervention can take a person from the heart of a devastating illness into active recovery. Treatment involves using supportive, compassionate care via a trans-diagnostic approach that helps people from a diverse population. Using a variety of therapy modalities proves effective when treating several different kinds of eating disorders.
Contact Our Eating Disorder Treatment Center in Los Angeles, CA
Trellis Recovery Centers in Los Angeles can help review the results of your eating disorder test and discuss options for multi-faceted treatment that get people moving towards recovery. Our staff of therapists, doctors, nurses, mental health workers, and dieticians understand how to provide well-rounded, family-focused care for young people aged 12 to 17. Without getting treatment in a timely manner, a young person may end up suffering from an eating disorder well into adulthood. Our residential program helps adolescents learn to develop a new, healthy relationship with their bodies and food.
If you would like more information about how we can help your family become whole again, visit our admissions page now.